The Many Facets of Cybersecurity:

Why Endpoint Security is the Cornerstone of Holistic Defence

When people think of cybersecurity, they often picture a singular, monolithic task — keeping hackers out. But the reality is far more complex.

Cybersecurity is made up of multiple, interdependent layers that, together, create the intricate fabric of digital protection in today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape. Each layer of security plays a vital role, from risk management and asset protection, to identity and access control, and application security.

The Many Facets of Cybersecurity

The Role of Endpoint Security in a Complex Landscape

At ExactTrak, we tackle the unique challenges of endpoint security, where the device is often the first point of attack. Unlike traditional software solutions, which can themselves become vulnerable attack vectors, ExactTrak’s SmartSafe technology is hardware-based, providing unparalleled protection. SmartSafe operates independently from the operating system and BIOS, meaning it isn’t subject to software vulnerabilities or cyber threats that can compromise traditional endpoint defences.

Our hardware-first approach is not just about protecting laptops — it’s about controlling access to data itself. Whether data access is being restricted based on location (such as avoiding access in insecure public spaces) or securely managing remote workers’ devices, SmartSafe ensures that sensitive data remains protected.

A Multidimensional Approach to Cybersecurity

Although cybersecurity is a vast ecosystem, it’s essential for every organisation to understand how security at the endpoint interrelates with other layers to protect your assets as comprehensively as possible:

Security Architecture and Engineering
Endpoint security was one of the biggest vulnerabilities in your overall architecture — ExactTrak fixes that, helping you to secure the foundations of a well-designed cybersecurity practice with SmartSafe, an embedded device and control system.

Asset Security
Protecting both physical and digital assets from theft or damage is vital for operational continuity. ExactTrak can determine where your laptops are at any time, and if one is in the wrong place, remotely destroy critical information.

Communication and Network Security
Securing communication channels ensures that data in transit is protected from interception. SmartSafe has a dedicated secure memory to store all of your essential comms keys, and encryption keys.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Controlling access to critical resources limits unauthorised usage and insider threats. SmartSafe can determine when and where a device is being used — and if it’s a case of wrong place, wrong time, it will shut down device access.

Security Assessment and Testing
Constantly testing defences ensures they’re effective and up to date against emerging threats. SmartSafe has been through rigorous testing to ensure we meet the most stringent security standards.

Application Security
Secure coding and testing practices are essential to ensuring that applications remain safe from exploits. You can store key parts of your application in SmartSafe’s secured memory.

Critical Infrastructure Security
Protecting the backbone of society, such as power grids and transportation networks, from attacks is essential to national security. SmartSafe plays its role, as part of the entire cybersecurity ecosystem.

Cloud Security
As businesses move data and applications to the cloud, securing those environments is non-negotiable. SmartSafe can limit access to the cloud (so only at the right place and right time) using the correct network bonding and encryption.

Security Operations
Managing security on a daily basis, including incident response, helps organisations remain vigilant. SmartSafe is hidden in plain sight; once set up, your laptop management requires little intervention from your security operations people.

Software Development Security
Identifying vulnerabilities in software is a critical component of ongoing security assessments. SmartSafe is an embedded board which works outside of the operating system, so different layers of application security are still needed.

AI Security
As artificial intelligence becomes more integrated into cybersecurity, it presents both opportunities and risks. Having time and place control for identity access provides a limited level of support against AI attacks.

Threat Intelligence
Gathering and analysing information about potential threats helps proactively defend against cyber attacks. If you’ve got information and data about attacks, SmartSafe can shut down the relevant parts of the network to stop malware and ransomware propagation.

User Education and Awareness
The human factor remains one of the most vulnerable points in cybersecurity, and education is key to minimising those risks. SmartSafe’s time and place control provides yet another layer of protection against accidental damage (for example, when you’re working from your local café).

The Many Facets of Cybersecurity

Building Cybersecurity for Tomorrow

As cyber threats evolve, particularly with the rise of quantum computing, both the UK and US governments have recognised that traditional software-based security solutions will be vulnerable. Quantum computers pose an unprecedented risk to current encryption methods. ExactTrak’s SmartSafe, with its embedded hardware security, provides quantum-safe encryption that remains impenetrable to future quantum-based attacks, ensuring your data stays protected against the next generation of cyber threats.

ExactTrak may specialise in endpoint security, but we understand the interconnected nature of cybersecurity as a whole. We help strengthen your entire cybersecurity posture, by securing this critical component.

How SmartSafe embedded helps protect against cyber attacks:

People working in office - Cyber protection - ExactTrak

Cyber protection

It’s the only embedded solution that provides security at device level and full integration with your existing security tools, to provide a multi-layered approach to cyber security.

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Person working in coffee shop - Location based security - ExactTrak

Location based security

You can set control policies and manage devices remotely, to prevent data exploitation from AI bots and insecure networks, on the move.

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Person on train using multiple devices - Asset security - ExactTrak

Asset security

Allows you to locate, monitor and control devices, anytime, anywhere – even when the power is off – for round the clock protection.

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Multiple devices staged with SmartSafe embedded solutions - ExactTrak

Whether you’re facing down AI bots, data exploitation or the quantum computers of the near future, one thing is clear; multi-faceted, resilient, agile cyber security should be part of every organisation’s business strategy.

Let SmartSafe back you up.